Internet marketing and the mindset required

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7:32 PM

30 DC and setbacks

Posted by Beanie

There are always challenges in life but if you look at them as learning opportunities, your life becomes a lot easier and you will progress towards your goal more rapidly because you actually learn something from the setback. When doing my keyword and market research for the 30 DC I tried at quite a few niche ideas that I really wanted to use, but no matter how I tried I couldn't get them to fit within the given parameters. I could have taken the easy option and forged ahead with a niche that didn't fit the 30 DC formula.
This would have defeated the whole purpose of participating as having a niche that fits into the parameters they provide is a crucial element.
Because I refused to see a lack and kept focused on how instead of can't I managed to find a niche that fitted the parameters perfectly.
You have to remember selling is about what your customer wants to but not what you want to sell.
I heard Les Brown talking about this the other day how challenges are not put in your way to stop you they are put there to empower you, because when you get past them you are going to be a much better person.
Watch the clip below by Les Brown about how he got started as a public speaker. He had plenty of challenges in his way but he didn't let them become an excuse to give up.
Make sure your challenges become a tool you use daily to strengthen your resolve.

Cheers to your success


Live a life not an existence


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