Why do so many of us start out each New Year with such good intentions, yet so few actually achieve the results we say we want.
Below is a list of top ten New Year’s resolutions I found surfing the net today.
See if you have any of these on your list for 2009.
1. Spend Time with Loves Ones
2. Get Fit
3. Lose Weight
4. Stop Smoking
5. Enjoy Life More!
6. Stop Drinking
7. Get Out of Debt
8. Learn Something New
9. Be More Charitable
10. Reorganize Life
I believe that if you really are serious about successfully implementing your new year’s resolutions, you need to address the following three items.
1. A clear definition of what the resolution actually is. (You can’t hit a target if you don’t know what you are aiming at)
2. A time frame in which the resolution is to be completed.
3. An action plan or series of steps, that needs to be taken to achieve your new year’s resolution.
So let’s take one of these resolutions and see if we can increase our odds of achieving it.
Instead of just learn something new; let’s put the following steps in place.
1. Learn to play three songs by Powderfinger (My favourite band) on the guitar.
This is a clear definition of what I am going to learn we could go even further by naming the songs: sunset, lost and running and who really cares.
2. To be completed by 24th /12/2009
3. Find a guitar teacher and enrol in weekly lessons by the 15th/01/2009.
Do you think that by putting the above in place I might have a better chance of achieving my goal, than vague resolution of learn something new??
To get a different result you have to take different actions. If you go through 2009 doing the exact same things you did in 2008, then chances are you situation isn’t going to change.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Albert Einstein
Most people have convinced themselves that they have some valid excuse, holding them back from achieving their dreams. Yet very few people have a clear definition of what their dreams actually are.
If you haven’t done so yet do yourself a favour and get your hands on a copy of Timothy Ferriss book the four hour work week.
As well as showing you exactly how you can free up valuable time, so that you can spend doing the things you love, Timothy also shows you his spin on goal setting called dreamlining. He has an excellent spread sheet that will help you set your own dreamlines.
Live a life not an existence
Aim Dream Action Mindset
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- Beanie
- Adam lives on the Sunshine Coast in Australia and works with a select group helping them to create their dream home business
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Is there one word that has so much power that it could literally change your results in life.
I believe there is one word that is that powerful, that word is how. When you ask yourself how you could achieve something, even though it may seem well beyond your current ability or circumstances. You are automatically telling your subconscious to start searching for answers for you.
Marshall artists know this and have been utilising it for years. If a Marshall artist wants to snap a board in half he doesn’t focus on the board. He focuses on a point well past the board, because he knows that in order to gain the momentum to break the board he is going to have to reach a point well past it.
The same is true in life if you find yourself hitting up against some sort of barrier or level that you can’t get past you need to start focusing well past the barrier so that you gain the momentum to break through it.
I don’t have the knowledge to do that.
I could never afford to do that.
I don’t have the confidence to try that.
I don’t have the money to do that.
I don’t have the time to do that.
These are all barriers that we hit at some time in life. My challenge to you is to banish these limiting beliefs and change them to a how question instead.
How do I gain the knowledge to do that.
How can I afford to do that.
How can I gain the confidence to try that.
How can I find the money to do that.
How can I find the time to do that.
It may not work out for you every time. However I truly believe that if you can train your mind and make the How question a habit then you results will dramatically improve.
Using excuses as a reason for not achieving your dreams and goals, is in my opinion a form of laziness. By justifying to ourselves that we don’t have the resources to achieve the results we want, we are giving our mind permission to sit dormant or worse still focus on negative thoughts.
I am yet to meet anyone who is fully utilising their potential .
You can either make excuses for yourself to succeed or to fail. If you aren’t making excuses for yourself to succeed than by default you are making excuses to fail.
Don’t limit your thinking to needing more knowledge or money or courage before you can start achieving your goals. Give yourself permission to start achieving your goals NOW, every chance you get focus your thoughts on what you have going for you, what resources you have, why you deserve the success you desire, and How you are going to achieve it.
Live a life not an existence
Aim Dream Action Mindset
I talk a great deal about mindset and bad mental programming that we have all experienced. What I say is nothing new just my interpretation of how it all works.
For years the likes of John Lennon have been trying to wake us all up to how badly programmed we all are, and how willing we are to accept idea's just because that is what everyone else believes.
Listen closely to the word's of working class hero and then spend a week observing how true what he was saying is.
Fear is used by all major institutions to control the masses. So much so that when the likes of John Lennon stand up and try to wake us up to what is happening. The mob shouts them down and ridicules them because they stand out and won't just blindly accept the garbage the majority of the population accept everyday.
A Working Class Hero is something to be.
Not me I want to be one of the Maverick's who wouldn't accept the normal garbage fed to the masses.
Spending my time educating those who will listen,that you don't have to live a life where the system dictates:
How many holidays you get to have.
How many hours a week you should work.
What age you should retire.
The internet is changing how the world operate's learn how to use it to your advantage.
Don't just end up another Working Class Hero
Cheers to your success
Aim Dream Action Mindset
Live a life not an existence
This great video below explains what Twitter is, how Twitter works and how you can use Twitter to keep up with friend or use it as a business tool. Twitter is a micro blog that allows you to quickly and simple keep in touch with all of your friends.Twitter can be used on your pc,moblie phone or instant messages.Check out the clip below as it give a great overview of exactly what Twitter does. Then go straight to the bottom of this post to grab some great Twitter tools to get you started!!
Want to learn more or add Twitter to your business??
Grab some great free tools including Twitter plugin, how to Twitter video tutorials,the geek's guide to Twitter ebook and blogging 101, blog your way to profit. Click on the link below now and instantly download your free tools immediately.
Cheers to your success
Aim Dream Action Mindset
Live a life not an existence
There are always challenges in life but if you look at them as learning opportunities, your life becomes a lot easier and you will progress towards your goal more rapidly because you actually learn something from the setback. When doing my keyword and market research for the 30 DC I tried at quite a few niche ideas that I really wanted to use, but no matter how I tried I couldn't get them to fit within the given parameters. I could have taken the easy option and forged ahead with a niche that didn't fit the 30 DC formula.
This would have defeated the whole purpose of participating as having a niche that fits into the parameters they provide is a crucial element.
Because I refused to see a lack and kept focused on how instead of can't I managed to find a niche that fitted the parameters perfectly.
You have to remember selling is about what your customer wants to but not what you want to sell.
I heard Les Brown talking about this the other day how challenges are not put in your way to stop you they are put there to empower you, because when you get past them you are going to be a much better person.
Watch the clip below by Les Brown about how he got started as a public speaker. He had plenty of challenges in his way but he didn't let them become an excuse to give up.
Make sure your challenges become a tool you use daily to strengthen your resolve.
Cheers to your success
Live a life not an existence
How would you like to know all of your competition's strengths and weaknesses before you even decide to go into competition with them? Imagine being able to optimize your website to take advantage of all the strategies that your future competition isn't currently taking advantage of. Market Samurai is an incredible piece of software that you can get a free trial of if you join into the thirty day challenge. Watch the video below in which Guru Bob shows you how you can find out exactly what your competition is doing and what is the best strategy to be competitive in your chosen niche. Then quickly get over and register for the thirty day challenge so that you can make the most of the free trial.Ignore it at your peril this software is exceptional!!!
Cheers to your success
Live a life not an existence
In the first video Ed talks about researching your market to get idea's for the product that you are going to create. In this video he runs through where to get your idea's (Amazon small hint) and how to find out what people are already buying. A lot of people seem to struggle with how to come up with idea's. There seems to be some misconception that you need to have exceptional intelligence or special gifting, to be able to have good idea's. Coming up with good idea's is like anything else in life,it comes down to learning the correct skills. If you are currently struggling to come up with good idea's then the first thing you need to do is focus on how you can learn to come up with new idea's instead of how hard you find it. Watch the video below follow the steps go to the 30DC and download the PDF Niche Idea's and you will be well and truly on the way to finding your first great idea. Remember thoughts plus actions equal results.
Cheers to your success
Live a life not an existence